Issue 31 - June 2019
D1 Mental Health Awareness Week
Running since 2001, Mental Health Awareness Week’s theme this year is Body Image – how we think and feel about our bodies. With MIND as World Duty Free’s new chosen charity partner in the UK, the mental health charity provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems. Their campaigns and services encouraged the UK team in Bedfont Lakes to help raise awareness and promote understanding for Mental Health Awareness Week. During the week of May 13 to 19, the team in Bedfont Lakes placed a couple of large posters throughout the head office and encouraged staff to come and write what they do to support a positive mental attitude about their bodies and what they love about themselves. The well-being board created a space for staff to share their thoughts and ideas to improve mental well-being.
Colleagues at Bedfont Lakes were also encouraged to take daily 10-minute walks around the building that week, which was a great way to get them to connect with other colleagues, take notice of the sights and sounds around them and get active: three ways known to foster better well-being. Mental health can affect anyone on any day of the year, so it is important that we continue to promote well-being for all of our staff, and encourage everyone to think about how they can incorporate their ideas into a daily activity to support their own mental and physical well-being.