Issue 44 - September 2022
«Destination 2027» presented at Capital Markets Day 2022
Dufry has presented its new company strategy “Destination 2027” to the financial community at the 2022 Capital Markets Day on September 6th in London, after having shared it internally in a dedicated employee Townhall-Meeting.
By Renzo Radice

Immediately after entering the venue – and even before saying Good Morning – one of the investors attending the Capital Markets Day 2022 told us: “I have never been invited to such a Capital Markets Day – Congratulations”. This is just one of the positive reactions we received throughout the day by our guests including investors, financial analysts, journalists and representatives of our bank partners.
Immersive Experience
Indeed the idea of presenting the new strategy “Destination 2027” as an immersive experience was well received and provided impressions for all senses, where guests could see, hear, touch, test, taste and debate on the strategy and the financial implications presented on stage by Xavier Rossinyol and Yves Gerster.
As you know, the strategy outlines our way forward and defines the goals to be achieved by 2027, building on four key pillars, as summarized below. You can also review the detailed content of our new strategy “Destination 2027” through this link.
- “Delivering the travel experience revolution” by bringing together travel retail and travel food & beverage in one offering. An offering that has more contact points with travellers and provides a seamless and personalised experience, both in the stores and digitally.
- “Diversifying our geographical presence” including a focus on the highly attractive and resilient US market, a focused strategy for Asia-Pacific and the Chinese travellers, as well as an organic business development for the Rest of the World.
- Further foster a “Culture of continuous operational improvement” across all our business activities to drive efficiencies and cost savings. This will allow us to generate sustainable cash flows while investing in innovation and growth.
- Incorporate ESG across all pillars and make it an inherent part of our business as a connecting element.
Visual impressions
With this article we focus on sharing with you some visual impressions and a video of the Capital Markets Day, presenting the different exhibits build for the participants to create for them the immersive and live experience. Click over the following link and check a short video of the event
