Issue 42 - March 2022
Snapshot of Dufry´s Diversity and Inclusion

Dufry keeps delivering on its Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) plan, which was briefly outlined by our Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Sarah Branquinho in her interview in the Dufry World issue 40, and in the last quarter 2021 employees completed the D&I survey. Reaching over 70% of Dufry´s headcount, this first survey is a critical part of the plan as it serves to better understand the perception of D&I amongst our staff. As the survey reached out to 70% of the employee population the feedback gives a good representative picture of the company’s demographic employee structure.
The input obtained with the results of this survey will help Dufry to further evolve in terms of being more inclusive and equal for all employees by identifying opportunities and developing targeted initiatives. The responses have generated a significant amount of information, which will enable the company to focus on specific areas to achieve our ultimate goal in building a better place to work.
Across all countries, the responses reveal that overwhelmingly (over 80%) our employees find that Dufry is a diverse workplace, with diverse leadership teams and that people are treated fairly regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, disability and religion. Furthermore, most of the respondents indicated that they feel comfortable to be ‘themselves’ at work and feel that colleagues care about each other, and that they feel part of a team.
The engagement with the company seems to be clear, with most of the respondents stating they want to progress in their careers at Dufry. However, our staff don’t always feel that they have the opportunity to do so. And this is an important outcome that the company will be taking seriously.
The appreciation of good work came as another topic to put on the watch list. This also applies to being open to listening to new ways of doing things, celebrating when new ideas work and using those ideas that are not practicable as a constructive learning experience.
All these findings, together with the on-going work of the D&I Core team headed by Sarah Branquinho, give reliable and front-line information, which is instrumental in helping to outline the status of D&I in Dufry and to define the areas of focus and priorities for the near future.