Issue 42 - March 2022
Equal-Salary Certification
Dufry has once again been equal salary re-certified in Switzerland in 2021. This certification is awarded to companies that prove granting of equal pay to men and women with the same qualifications and positions in the Company.
The accreditation attests to Dufry’s commitment to create an inclusive and diverse working environment, while fostering career development for all. Equal-Salary is an independent non-profit foundation, which aims to promote equal pay for men and women around the world. In collaboration with the University of Geneva, the foundation has developed a robust methodology for objective pay analysis.
The accreditation process includes four steps – which require the action of an external auditor:
Step 1: Statistical Analysis – Company employee data is provided to the Equal- Salary Foundation for analysis. All data is made anonymous prior to analysis and compensation data is destroyed after the audit report has been transmitted.
Step 2: On-site Audit – An on-site audit is carried out by an external auditor (Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC). The PwC Equal-Salary team then assesses: Management commitment to equal pay for men and women; Integration of equal pay strategies within the HR processes and policies and; Employee perception of the company pay practices.
Step 3: Certification. Depending on a successful outcome from the PwC audit, the company is awarded the Equal-Salary Label from the Equal-Salary Foundation. A milestone achieved by Dufry in early 2019 for the first time
- Step 4: Monitoring Audits. The Equal-Salary Certification is valid for three years. During this period certified companies complete audits, which monitor their fulfilment of the assigned actions to apply a fair, non-discriminatory wage policy between men and women.
All phases of the certification and re-certification processes were performed at the Basel Headquarters and the Zurich airport operation and gave proof on how management systems, HR policies and processes integrate the dimensions of equal remuneration.