Issue 40 - September 2021
Piloting a Sustainable Product Identification System
According to Dufry research, 68% of travellers are interested in sustainable products, with packaging, durability and manufacturer´s commitment towards sustainability being the most important aspects customers consider when buying sustainable products.
In order to support our customers, Dufry has tested and piloted a Sustainable Product Identification System in Spanish and UK airports, highlighting those products that are aligned with customers' personal values and which fulfil defined sustainability criteria.
The signage created for the purpose is simple and easy to understand and has been designed to highlight and create customer awareness of the various sustainability criteria associated with our selection of products.
A total of six different icons were created, representing the following criteria:
- Sustainable & Recyclable Material – To identify products made from materials obtained from sustainable means or which are recyclable.
- Vegan – For products containing no animal ingredients or animal by-products.
- Palm Oil Free – Palm oil is a widely used ingredient in many products including food, beverages and personal care products. However, the production of palm oil is considered environmentally critical. This label indicates products with no palm oil.
- Plastic Free – Committed to help reduce the amount of single-use plastic.
- Supporting Local Communities - These products & their manufacturers give back & support communities, by paying fair wages and supporting small local suppliers.
Dufry is currently evaluating the results of the tests and assessing a wider spread of the initiative across other locations. This test is part of Dufry´s ESG commitment to Sustainability and the long-term sustainability strategy presented by the Group in 2020 – more details are available at