Issue 34 - March 2020

Re-Imagined Store Design for Hudson
In December, Hudson announced its new store concepts, which will start to be rolled-out during 2020 in key markets. This next generation of Hudson stores is designed to better suit airports and passengers alike and will incorporate a number of new features that position Hudson for future growth, whilst enhancing the airport experience, by evolving to meet the demands of today’s consumers.
These new stores will feature digital displays that allow for localized and enticing consumer content, which is controlled internally by the corporate team. The flexible store model can be adapted at any time to meet the local needs of airport travelers, with interchangeable modular walls for a smooth transition between retail offerings. From creating seasonal displays, enhancing select product categories and making swift changes to put the latest sporting merchandise on display for the big game, the Traveler’s Best Friend can make it happen! In addition, after successful pilots, Hudson’s next generation store concept will include self-check-out stations to facilitate quick and stress-free transactions for its always on-the-go travelers.
In addition to Hudson’s next generation store rollout, the business will also introduce its new consumer-facing mobile application in mid-2020. The “Hudson Blue” App allows its loyal travelers to connect with their Hudson store from their mobile device and gather insight on products and promotions at any given time. Staying true to its purpose of being the Traveler’s Best Friend, Hudson’s consumer application will also provide features to ease the stress of travel outside their stores.
This revamped design of the Hudson stores responds to changes in the world of travel and evolution with new technology, adapting the product offerings, transactional capabilities and store model to the new trends and consumers´ needs.